Yule Gift - "Antiqued" frame

Frame after
Originally uploaded by topazcat
Painted it in baby pink, let dry a bit, then wiped off gently with paper towel. Wasn't as simple as I thought it would be, the paint came off a lot easier than I wanted it to. LOL

Acrylic paints, acrylic top coat, and inexpensive wood frame, most likely from Walmart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there! how are you? I was looking through your blog and found it nice to me, so I have one also. It is here in Southern Califonia at San Diego.

I would like it if you could stop by sometime and be cool with us, I have a lot of muse. Labels, music videos or just music that touches me, and generally writings and poetry when I feel it.

So I hope you will visit my High Art blog here soon,
thank you and take care.... :)